Your business card is just about the most important thing you can have in your pocket! It's your own personal work of art, your silent ambassador - it represents you and your business when you're not there to do it in person, it should make you glow with pride when you hand it out - so it had better be good!
Here I've included a few ideas to help you make sure your business cards say the right thing about you. Remember - the impression that people get from your business card is the impression they'll form about your business, so the kind of things to avoid are odd sizes (annoying, don't fit into a card holder), printed at home (amateur), thin card (cheap), free (or £5) template from a 'certain' (!) website (cheapskate - everyone knows where you got it from and it's the same as millions of others!). Is your business really only worth £5?
Now, being a business card designer, I would say that, wouldn't I?!! Of course I would - but it's for a good reason.
Do you want to stand out from the crowd?
Do you want to leave a lasting impression?
Do you want people to think well of you and give you their business?
Do you want to feel proud when you hand it out?
Then take note! Here I've included a few ideas to help you make sure your business cards say the right thing about you: